When Is Don't Look Up Available on Netflix?
When Is the Movie 'Don't Look Up' Available on Netflix?
Release Date and Availability
The highly anticipated disaster funny film " Don't Look Up" premiered in select theaters on December twelve, 2021, and became available on Netflix on December 24, 2021 . It is now available for streaming on the platform worldwide.
" Don't Look Up" stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence as a couple of astronomers who learn a massive comet headed towards Globe and attempt for you to warn humanity. On the other hand, their efforts are usually met with skepticism, denial, and political electoral manipulation.
The film, focused by Adam McKay, satirizes the deficiency of urgency and inaction faced by simply scientists when seeking to address impending global catastrophes. It features a star-studded cast including Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, Cate Blanchett, and Mark Rylance.
Internet Options
" Don't Look Up" is available exclusively on Netflix. You can easily watch the video on any unit with an internet connection, including touch screen phones, tablets, laptops, clever TVs, and game playing consoles.
To access the film, you can need a Netflix subscription. There are three subscription plans available:
- Standard: $8. 99 per thirty day period
- Standard: $13. 99 each month
- Premium: $17. 99 per month
The Standard and Superior plans allow anyone to watch films and TV exhibits in high classification (HD) and extra high definition (UHD), respectively. The High grade plan also offers the ability to be able to download content with regard to offline viewing.
Essential Reception
" Don't Look Up" has got received mixed testimonials from critics. Many have praised the film's ambitious idea, star power, and sharp satire. On the other hand, others have belittled the film's heavy-handed messaging and shortage of subtlety.
Viewership and Impact
Inspite of the mixed critiques, " Don't Look Up" has already been a commercial accomplishment for Netflix. This ranked as the most-watched film on the platform with regard to multiple weeks pursuing its release.
The movie has also caused discussions about weather change, the need for scientific literacy, and the hazards of political polarization. It has recently been used as the teaching tool found in schools and educational institutions, and has influenced protests and movements.
Alternative Viewing Selections
If you do not have the Netflix subscription or even prefer to observe movies in movies building, " Don't Look Up" may now be available in select theaters near you. You can check theater entries online or at your local movie theater for showtimes.
" Don't Look Up" is now available to stream on Netflix worldwide. The motion picture is a challenging and timely satire that has resonated with audiences and sparked important chats. Whether you decide on to watch that on Netflix or maybe in theaters, " Don't Look Up" is a video that will remain with you extended after the credit roll.